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CreativeHub 1352 presents InSitu Multi-Arts Festival,“The Lost Museum,” now open to explore!

InSitu 2021 is an engaging, interactive virtual platform celebrating art, performance through the themes of  “Lost,” introducing viewers to unknown works inhabiting the Small Arms Inspection Building (SAIB). The Lost Museum is filled with stories, short films, interactive gaming, digital features, original artwork, curated collections, and special performances by Mississauga’s creative communities. The Lost Museum features 50+ artists, performers, cultural producers, builders, filmmakers, and designers from Mississauga and GTA’s creative communities, along with the contributions of 250+ local students.

Who knows what will be lost, discovered, or found at InSitu 2021?


Digital Program Guide

The perfect companion to your exploration of The Lost Museum.

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Visit The
Lost Museum

The Lost Museum is now open for exploration!

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Thank you to our Foundational Sponsors:


View the full list of sponsors and partners who have helped InSitu Multi-Arts Festival happen here.

All photos courtesy of Noelle Hamlyn Studios. Please view our full list of collaborators here.

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