Growing our garden plots and building relationships with our community members.
Small Arms
Community Garden
Fresh produce for everybody, including those in need.
The community garden plot is located just east of the Small Arms Inspection Building and is operated by Ecosource with support from the City of Mississauga. Creative Hub 1352 operates four garden plots as part of the community garden site. Our volunteers plant, grow, and harvest fresh vegetables that are collected and delivered to The Compass Food Bank. Creative Hub 1352 expects to harvest over 100 lbs of fresh produce this year.
Monarch Butterfly
At one time the adjacent TRCA lands east of the SAIB provided a rich, natural habitation for the Monarch Butterfly.
The natural habitation for the Monarch Butterfly has all been lost until recently. In 2018, Creative Hub 1352 and community volunteers worked together with Toronto Region Conservation Authority to establish its first pollinator plot. Plants and shrubs popular to the Monarch butterfly were planted. Bees are ideal pollinators that help support the butterfly habitat. In fact, one out of every three bites of food that we eat is made possible by pollinators like honey and bees.
To learn more about the gardens and register for your own plot,
visit Ecosource's application or contact them at communitygardens@ecosource.ca, or (905) 274-9222 ext. 309.