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Strategic Plan Community Survey
CreativeHub 1352 has engaged Roots & Rivers Consulting to support the development of our new Strategic Plan. We are looking for input and responses from community members and visitors to help guide CreativeHub in the future.
This survey is your first opportunity to provide input into the process. We are curious about your experiences with CreativeHub 1352, your views on our strategic priorities, and what you might like to see going forward.
Your responses are anonymous, confidential, and will only be viewed by the Roots & Rivers Consulting team. Insights and themes from all the responses received will be synthesized and summarized into an engagement memo that will be shared back with you later in the summer. All questions are optional. Share as much or as little as you like. We anticipate this exercise will take 30-60 minutes to complete, so please set some time aside.
Thank you for your time and input!
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